Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Can i persist?

Just finish read a Chinese book name <全中国最穷的小伙子发财日记>. it is a very long story but i spent 2 days to finish the book. Feel not going to explain the whole story, but may be a summary: how a well educated & young guy who has a family with a son drop from rich status to poor, live like a beggar for years, then use his own hands to become a successful millionaire businessman.

Feel that my current situation just like him, may be not same as him that poor till have no job and money, but lost myself, my life goal. He found his own way, step by step and become a successful businessman.

I dont like my current sales job in this line, I want to have my own business, but too sad i have no brave enough to take even my first step.

I just brought a house, which become part of the burden and concern to my path to start a business. On the other way, it also is strongly motivate me to find a new way to increase my income.

Just talked with my darling this evening, she pointed out my weakness again -- i am impatience. i tried online business(sell gift) and food delivery business. and both started with very enthusiasm, but ended very fast within 2-3 months, just because i feel the business is not profitable and i gave up.

Now, i have the thought to start own business again, because of i am totally lost my interests in my current job. I cannot find my job satisfaction and motivation, what i can get is only the monthly salary.

I find myself have depraved for years. I want to change! 

I want to buy over a business, but i dont know what kind of business I am looking for, and the most importance,

Can i persist to the business?

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